俄罗斯 - 东盟商务(Sylodium信息,国际贸易目录)

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1欧亚经济联盟是俄罗斯,白俄罗斯,哈萨克斯坦,亚美尼亚. 下一步吉. 5个国家.

2东盟块由,马来西亚,印度尼西亚,文莱,越南,柬埔寨,老挝,缅甸,新加坡,泰国和菲律宾的形成 - 10个国家

3 Conclusion, If EEU and ASEAN would sign a FTA would be not just 1 bilateral relatioship, but 50 (10 x 5) bilateral relationships, is that to say, what Sylodium does and the rest doesn’t.


200个国家×200个国家。 40000的双边关系

The EEU, which came into effect on January 1, 2015, is designed to ensure the free movement of goods, services, capital and workforce between Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Armenia. Next, Kyrgyzstan.

Join the WTO becomes a necessary but still insufficient condition, as most world trade will go through free trade zones.

That is the reason Russia is starting to open to new markets via FTA.

This is the concept of not “so new” international trade model,

The EEU will sign free trade zone agreements with other countries, About 40 states are talking about a free trade zone with EEU,

The FTA will reduce the costs and time associated for Vietnamese businesses to ship goods across borders into several countries

breaking down barriers to trade can unlock new opportunities for Vietnam, and is very relevant win for SME’s businesses.

In the same way, but waiting until take into effect,

Vietnam is the first ASEAN country to ratify WTO’s Trade Facilitation Agreement (TFA)

Imagine all international trade with same rules


But in a sense, towards this is what this TFA agreement is working to simplify and clarify customs procedures and mandates that customs procedures be transparent and provides standardization and uniformity to issues dealing with all trading activities for all WTO member countries.

The greatest benefit of the TFA is that it would introduce the element of predictability

But then, in that hipotetic case, Sylodium would be so necessary as now, due to the rules are the same, but the customs, the language, the people, the culture, the quality of product in each country or city etc, are always different.


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