埃及,倍增计划 其出口 对 美国 (Sylodium, 国际的 贸易 目录)

The Minister of trade and industry of Egypt Hatem Saleh said in a statement last week, Egypt is planning to double its non-oil exports to the United States this year. Egypt aims to "create new opportunities for exports through cooperation with retail chains in the United States." According to the ministry's website, Egyptian non-oil exports to the U.S. in the first nine months of 2012 amounted to $1.28 billion out of a sum total of $2.4 billion and Egypt's U.S. imports were $4.2 billion within the same period. The U.S.-Egypt Business Council (USEBC) "will prepare an annual action plan that includes choosing four priority sectors to develop trade and economic relations with the United States,” according to the statement. Sylodium (global import export directory) you can advertise for free your company or your project, at the intersection of cities that you want, for example; 开罗(埃及) - 安曼(约旦)。巴格达(伊拉克) - 贝鲁特(黎巴嫩)。卡萨布兰卡(摩洛哥),多哈(卡塔尔)。大马士革(叙利亚) - 科威特(科威特)。 迪拜(阿联酋) - 拉巴特(摩洛哥)。利雅得(沙特阿拉伯) - 德黑兰(伊朗)。 突尼斯(突尼斯)阿尔及尔(阿尔及利亚)。亚历山大(埃及) - 阿布扎比(阿联酋) or any city around the World.
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