美国 - 加拿大,贸易和海上贸易 (Sylodium, 国际的 贸易 目录)

U.S. governors and Canadian premiers in the Great Lakes region has agreed to cooperate on promoting trade and maritime commerce. The Council of Great Lakes Governors adopted a series of resolutions on Mackinac Island during its first summit meeting since 2005. Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder said he hopes the governors will begin meeting more regularly to make sure their plans lead to action. According to a statement the regulatory hurdles, aging infrastructure and low water levels are preventing the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence River from meeting their potential as commercial corridors. Also it establishes a task force with members from the eight states and two Canadian provinces in the region to make improvements. Sylodium (global import export directory) you can advertise for free your company or your project, at the intersection of cities that you want, for example; 纽约(美国) - 渥太华(加拿大)or any city around the World.

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