South Korea-China-Japan, free trade (By Sylodium, international trade directory)

South Korea, China and Japan have discussed the first round of negotiations for a free trade block that would be the world’s third-largest after North America and the European Union. South Korea said in a statement will discuss mostly administrative issues during the three days of talks in Seoul that will end this week. The meeting will determine the areas from agriculture to intellectual property rights that will be included in future negotiations. The official launch of the negotiations among the Asian rivals comes as efforts to lower tariffs and other trade barriers among major economies gain momentum. Japan agreed to start negotiations for a free trade pact with the European Union and earlier this month Tokyo said it will join talks on a Pacific trade pact known as the Trans-Pacific Partnership, which is led by the United States. The US and EU announced free-trade talks earlier this year, Separate trade talks are also underway between China and South Korea, negotiations for a Japan-South Korea free trade pact are yet to resume after being stopped in 2004. Sylodium (global import export directory) you can advertise for free your company or your project, at the intersection of cities that you want, for example; Seoul (South Korea) - Beijing (China). Tokyo (Japan) - Beijing (China) or any city around the World.

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