new Global Trade Ideas 4.0?

Trading Ideas 4.0?

It is not possible to convince an institution of a truth that would benefit it if you are a person without power.

To convince an institution of something, a good idea would not be enough, but a dozen of them well structured could be but if we have power.

Truth depends of Power. Without Power the truth doesn’t worth.

Sylodium, as a platform with power, will make it easier for good ideas to reach institutions and large companies so that if they do not take them into account, they will be in ridiculous evidence

Sylodium will pay the owners of those good ideas in UNOS, turn to dollars.

Top five trends driving the HR agenda in 2018

1- HR enters the post-engagement age

2- Hiring for competence over confidence

With a skills gap that shows no signs of narrowing and companies still starved for skilled workers, the time has come to rethink recruitment. HR teams are seeing the cracks in their recruitment processes and will increasingly use a wider pool of data and insight to inform their hiring decisions. This will help them develop new recruitment approaches and strategies so they can ultimately find the right people for the job.

3- Balancing man and machine

4- Gigging hard

The more fluid their workforce, the more important it will be for companies to have robust processes in place to support this level of agility.

5- Rethinking reward

Since it belongs to the supernatural order, grace escapes our experience?

Many research institutions have made efforts to increase diversity among their administrations, faculty and staff members and student bodies. But research shows there is work to be done — and that the pay-off is immense. A 2017 study of 40 US public universities, for example, found that black, Hispanic and female science-faculty members continue to be under-represented relative to the US population

Where are the ideas to solve the crisis of the West?

Europe is being torn apart by self-destructive impulses. For so many in the West — not just in Europe but in North America and even our own country — Vladimir Putin exerts a weird attraction. The reality is that he leads a country in economic and political decline where nobody would seriously want to live. But his petty trolling is not shrugged off, in fact it’s become a large factor in the political dynamic of many Western countries.

Why — only a quarter of a century after its apparent triumph with the fall of communism in Europe — is the West so uncertain of its future, its institutions failing and its political leaders fumbling?

Where are the ideas to improve Africans Institutions?

Yes, we have turned the clock. Philosophy, via logometry (representation in language coordinates) is the most advanced technology for AI (heminemetics), IoT (Rexiologoy)

Do you have any APP ideas between for China, Africa or China – Africa related with TRADING IDEAS APPS 4.0? Make money with us

But exist many institutions and big companies wanting to know about your ideas, for ex.

1 City to fund winning ideas designed to reduce neighborhood violence

GRAND RAPIDS, MI - Thousands of dollars are being set aside to fund ideas about how to reduce neighborhood violence in Grand Rapids.

In a public contest created by city task force Safe Alliances For Everyone (SAFE), six ideas pitched by the public will be funded in an effort to affect the community.

2 Have ideas to improve Vancouver’s transportation system? TransLink wants to hear from you

TransLink is putting out an open call to the public for ideas to improve the region’s transportation system and how users integrate different services.

TransLink’s strategic planning director Andrew McCurran says governments don’t always have the best solutions.

“What we’re trying to do is, instead of pretending that, you know, we as government have all of the best ideas internally, and then going out to the market or the public with specific solutions that we’ve got well detailed in advance, this is really an attempt to be more collaborative.”

3 Team “AUTOmator” wins Porsche innovation competition

Digital IF-THEN assistant for your Porsche: Steffen Iwan, Christian Brachert and Valentin Rüchardt, aka team “AUTOmator”, have been crowned the winners of the “Porsche NEXT Open Innovation Competition” with their idea of linking apps with the Porsche vehicle and making them work for the driver automatically. The final of Porsche’s competition to find innovations for the sports car of the future took place on Saturday, May 19, as part of the Formula E Grand Prix in Berlin. The pitch delivered by the trio from Germany saw them triumph against six other finalists and over 270 submitted projects.

But this is symbolic, we need a system, a platform to carry thousands of good ideas to the Power being ourselves the Power too.

in Sylodium you can build your own BCB (beneficial circuit business) in China to Africa exchanging START UPS MANKIND with products services, ALL BILATERAL TRADE projects, patents, spaces and money (our UNOS) inside our system, contact us here and make money together with us. 

Be part of the future-ready generation of 2020

You can create your own APP inside Sylodium’s system as China – Africa 4.0, XIAN – Southern Africa Tech IMPORT EXPORT 4.0 , NINGBO – West Africa IMPORT EXPORT INDUSTRY 4-0, Qingdao – Nigeria IMPORT EXPORT 4-0 , China South – South Africa Trade Ideas 4.0, China – West Africa IMPORT EXPORT AI FOR PHILOSOPHY APPS 4.0.

The future of All bilateral trade, plus AI software and Trading-IIoT platform is in our hands.

Do you have any HR Gamification ideas about FIR for for your African country, to rotate it globally?

Sylodium’s system becoming our partner,

Africa 4.0.

Opportunities for manufacturers in Africa

Despite its abundant natural and human resources, the African continent has long been considered a precarious destination for potential investors and businesses owing to the negative geopolitical situation that has plagued the region in past decades. However, drastic changes in political dynamics, shifts in power and implementation of governmental policies have recently put Africa on the path to progress. 

You can build your own niches inside Sylodium’s system as China – Africa 4.0, Ningbo – Southern Africa TRADE 4.0 , XIAN – East Africa TRADING EXIM 4-0, Hong Kong – Nigeria IMPORT EXPORT 4-0 IOT PHILOSOPHY , Qingdao – South Africa TRADE IDEAS 4.0, China – East Africa IMPORT EXPORT APPS FOR AI.

This journey has been initiated by the revival of democratic foundations as well as the growing and rightful influence of judicial institutions. Accordingly, political revival has also been experienced in South Africa following the resignation of ex-president Jacob Zuma. Observers are hopeful that the policies of Zuma’s successor, Cyril Ramaphosa, can restore Africa’s long-struggling manufacturing sector by spurring large-scale investment across the industry.  

Trade Ideas related with INDUSTRY 4.0. Are you ready?

Gulf Business Machines is leading the charge toward Industry 4.0

Being ready for Industry 4.0 requires the ability to adopt and integrate both digital and physical technologies to improve operations, become more productive, grow, and innovate. Digital technologies such as artificial intelligence and the internet of things are already having a fundamental impact on the economy and the way we live our lives

In Sylodium, the IIoT and Globa trade are linked here in Sylodium via Heminemetics, Logometry, and Rexiology will do it in the unique way can be do it in a global sense.

Make business with Chinese companies with African countries but about "Reasonable TRADE IDEAS " not stupid tech ideas.