Oman and Egypt, strengthening bilateral ties (By Sylodium, international trade directory)

Sultanate of Oman and Egypt try to strengthen bilateral ties. A delegation from Egyptian visited Rusay1 Industrial Estate of Oman last week. Officials at Rusayl Industrial Estate underlined that Omani government attract and support foreign investments. The delegation was received by Al Hinai, Director General of Rusayl Industrial Estate, who briefed visitors on PEIE in general and Rusayl Industrial Estate in particular through tracking the development stages it went through since 1983. The delegation familiarised itself with facilities and services rendered by PEIE for investors in the various industrial estates pertaining to PEIE and the compelling investment opportunities in Oman. During the visit, the delegates were introduced to PEIE's mission, vision and objectives, as well as Sultanate's strategic location and its most prominent characteristics of investment promotion. Sylodium (global import export directory) you can advertise for free your company or your project, at the intersection of cities that you want, for example; Muscat (Oman) - Cairo (Egypt) or any city around the World.