Chinese Human Resources 4.0 projects for Africa

African HR projects via Chinese investors.

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African HR entrepeneurs to Chinese companies

According to a groundbreaking 2015 study by the African Development Bank (AfDB) titled Where Are the Women? Inclusive Boardrooms in Africa's Top-Listed Companies, in the 307 top African companies, women accounted for only 14% of total board membership.

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Invest in science and technology, Africa told

New from New Vision

Developing nations in Africa have been urged to focus, prioritise and promote science and technology ideas to solve social-economic challenges.

This was during the official opening of Science Forum South Africa 2017 at CSIR International Convention Centre in Pretoria.

The global forum drew 2,700 people including leaders, scientists, governments, industrialists, students, civil society organisations and the media from around the Africa and the world. 

SA’s Vice-President Cyril Ramaphosa, who was chief guest, rallied all African leaders and organisations to invest in science and technology and focus more on empowering future generation, especially the youth with new ideas that transform the Africa continent.

“We need a world where imagination, innovation and scientific discovery allow us to dream of a better, more secure and more equitable future,” he said, adding that youth should be able to see themselves as agents of development through creativity.

Although constraints, mainly poverty and underdevelopment, are common in most African countries, he urged governments to push harder to ensure the existing ideas do not extinguish.

He said Africa should not only be consumers of technology, but also inventors and managers of technologies.

African Union For Sarah Anyang Agbor, the AU Commissioner for Human Resources, Science and Technology, developing countries should strengthen their co-operation and share ideas on how to improve themselves.

She further urged African countries to learn from countries which have already invented and succeeded in their science or technologies. She believes that putting much focus on empowering the future science generation will transform Africa by all means.

Africa, she urged, must build its own capacity and come up with good policies that can transform society.