Brazil–Uruguay (Sylodium, export to Uruguay from Brazil)

If you want to export from Brazil to Uruguay or from Uruguay to Brazil use  (international trade directory)


  1. Brazil - Uruguay, use local currencies instead of dollar for Bilateral Trade.
  2. Brazil and Uruguay signed an agreement on the use of local currencies, the Brazilian Real and the Uruguayan Peso in bilateral trade.
  3. The two sides expressed hope that the move will help strengthen their economic ties.
  4. The agreement is a result of long negotiations between the Mercosur member states and [part of the] BRICS' global strategies.
  5. The practice may be adopted in Paraguay, Bolivia and Venezuela, should it turn out to be successful.
  6. Mercosur is a sub-regional economic bloc that includes Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay and Venezuela. Its associate countries are Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru.
  7. Mercosur is aimed at facilitating free trade and the free movement of goods, people and currency in the region.


Population: 193.946.886 (5th) 

GDP per cápita: $11.875 (77th)


Population: 3.318.535 (133th)

GDP per cápita: $16.607 (60th)

In Sylodium (city and country / crossing system: import export business) you can advertise for free your company or your project, at the intersection of cities that you want, for example, to export to Uruguay from Brazil

Brasilia (Brazil) - Montevideo (Uruguay)

or any city around the World. You can choose your target markets for free. You will be seen by people you want to be seen.







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