Communication 4.0: content or form?

Are you a visionary about the communication 4.0?

Should communication 4.0 go towards the content before towards the form?

Why we want to improve the tecnhology to communicate if people is not sincere?

Yes, we strive for both, content (Critaxis, Rexiology) and form (Logometry, Heminemetics)

What kind of communication we want to reach, if we are not sincere? Who start to be sincere? Why we should be sincere if people is obliged not to be? Can somebody win something showing their deep intentions and deep desires? Aren’t the deepest intentions and desires similar in all of us? Why we talk about love or solidarity when actually is not only love but also much of will to power? WHy we talk about sympathy or empathy when actually is too, vanity or ambition? We don't deny love or solidarity, thanks God are in all parts, but....How much will to power exist together with them!!

We would like work with people not completely sincere, that is imposible, but unless with direct people and enough honest that recognozie their will to power as all of us have towards multiple metaphoric viruses that strike people (to all people, in segmented way), not in a simple way, but in

the dialectic way, is that to say, neither charity neither exploitation but reasonable business to "win win in proportion".

Do you have any APP ideas between for China, Africa or China – Africa related with INDUSTRY 4.0? Make money with us

Empathy is beyond empathy, and beyond this, impathy.

If sympathy usually comes unconsciously from fear and vanity and the empathy from ambition, care, love, or will to power, impathy is a superior state that comes from approaching the fusion of consciences when people lives more times per day in elevated states of awarness and they go voluntaryly to this.

in Sylodium you can build your own BCB (beneficial circuit business) in China to Africa exchanging START UPS COMMUNICATION with products services, GLOBAL TRADE projects, patents, spaces and money (our UNOS) inside our system, contact us here and make money together with us.

Towards Industry 4.0

Accelerators like regulatory frameworks and physical infrastructure will create stronger partnerships between the government and the industry 4.0. 

Be part of the future-ready generation of 2020

You can create your own APP inside Sylodium’s system as China – Africa 4.0, XIAN – Southern Africa Tech IMPORT EXPORT 4.0 , NINGBO – West Africa IMPORT EXPORT INDUSTRY 4-0, Qingdao – Nigeria IMPORT EXPORT 4-0 , China South – South Africa Industry 4.0 (IoT//IIoT-AI), China – West Africa IMPORT EXPORT AI FOR INDUSTRY 4.0. 

The talent gap within STEM is a constant problem but is gaming the answer? 

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM),

The global movement to increase access to STEM educational opportunities, and ultimately increase the flow of talent into the pipeline for professions in the STEM field, is continuing to grow.

Gamification is a term that’s become popularised over the last decade, particularly in both educational and corporate settings. While the most simplistic definition refers to a means of incorporating more game-like play into the classroom, gamification actually encompasses a broader movement to tap into some powerful human psychology. 

Increasing engagement through games or game-like activities may seem bizarre, or even childish, but the evidence is clear: gamification can not only help expose children to technological processes, seemingly without them realising that they’re actually learning, but it can also be an important tool towards shifting culture and motivation 

The future of global trade, plus AI software and Trading-IIoT platform is in our hands.

Do you have TECH COMMUNICATION ideas about FIR for for your African country, to rotate it globally?

what about working online with your TECH COMMUNICATION ideas sharing with us to make money together? Care your APP, rotate your country in the UNOS fire business game. You build your own Appendix inside our Sylodium’s system becoming our partner,


China – Africa COMMUNICATION ideas 4.0.

China-Africa relations should build on ending poverty levels

China and Africa relations should build on ending poverty levels as Africa still faces major poverty challenges

"China has done very well in poverty reduction, because in the last 20 years the country's poverty reduction levels account for almost half the reduction of all poverty levels in the world," said Kaberuka,

According to him, poverty levels in Africa are significantly reducing and many African countries have over the last 20 years seen gains in health, education and living standards as their economies grow. 

Chinese investment and loans in Africa give priority to infrastructure

n recent decades, Chinese investment and loans in Africa have risen dramatically, and so have positive views of China.

At the same time, Western critics have accused China of exploiting Africa’s natural resources.

Are 21st-century Chinese pillaging Africa like 19th century Europeans? The data shows otherwise. The benefit has been mutual, and so far favors Africans. Chinese investment and loans have focused on developing African infrastructure, rather than on siphoning off the continent’s mineral wealth.

Construction was the largest sector of Chinese OFDI to Africa 

ICT Investment and Partnership, key to fuelling Africa 

The President of Huawei Technologies in charge of southern Africa, Mr Li Peng has observed that investment in information and communication technology (ICT) and partnership hold the trump card to fuelling Africa’s digital growth and development. 

You can build your own niches inside Sylodium’s system as China – Africa 4.0, Ningbo – Southern Africa TRADE 4.0 , XIAN – East Africa TRADING EXIM 4-0, Hong Kong – Nigeria IMPORT EXPORT 4-0 IOT COMMUNICATION , Qingdao – South Africa COMMUNICATION 4.0, China – East Africa IMPORT EXPORT APPS FOR AI.


In the near term, African countries get as much, if not more, return on investment from Chinese capital than China does. The benefits include improved technology, efficiencies of scale, efficient cost structures, speedy delivery and jobs.

The need for African countries to develop a master plan to direct investment and attract the best talent in ICT to speed up the socio-economic transformation of the continent.

For instance, he said Germany's “Industry 4.0” and “the Made in China 2025” initiatives had been designed to make the manufacturing industries in those countries more robust and meaningful through the use of information and communication technology.

For the Export-Import Bank of China, the largest Chinese underwriter of African loans, the top financing sectors in Africa were transportation at $27.9bn (44 percent), energy and mining, $18bn (29 percent), water and sanitation, S$3.4bn (5 percent), and communications, $3.3bn (5 percent) during 2000-2001. In the same time period, the top sectors financed by the US Export-Import bank (the largest U.S. underwriter of African loans) were energy and mining at $1.2 billion.

Communication 4.0 related to IOT//IIOT-AI. Are you there yet?

If you aren’t, you’ll have problems

IMTS 2018 Conference: Tool lifecycle management 4.0 - In line with Industry 4.0 using integrated tool data management solutions 

Tool Lifecycle Management (TLM) from TDM Systems, is an IT strategy for production resources and includes tool organization for all phases of planning and production. TLM is a link between ERP, PLM, and MES, which ensures communication between planning and production systems. On one hand, TLM is about capturing and providing tool data and tool graphics for CAM and simulation processes; on the other hand, it is about the physical organization of tool circulation on the shop floor and collecting data from machine tools. TLM is not oriented toward individual departments and single processes, rather it consists of continuous communication and data exchange between the involved systems. TLM is a major part of the Internet of Things (IoT), or Industry 4.0

In Sylodium, the IIoT and Globa trade are linked here in Sylodium via Heminemetics, Logometry, and Rexiology will do it in the unique way can be do it in a global sense.

Make business with Chinese companies with African countries but about "Reasonable INDUSTRY 4.0 (IOT//IIOT-AI)" not stupid tech COMMUNICATION .

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