Chinese Farm systems for Africa.

African startup to Chinese companies

Gambian startup Farm Fresh is targeting expansion into other West African markets after being chosen to take part in the Make-IT accelerator programme run by the Lagos-based Co-Creation Hub (CcHub).

Do you have ideas for fresh veggies in your African country to develop via Sylodium’s system with Chinese or American systems?

As aeroponic systems, agroships or gardening projects etc

USA or China towards your African country about Farming and fresh veggies?

if you are you interested in China – Africa or USA – Africa or Europe – Africa eco-local-agro-tech. Contac us here to make money

African entrepeneurs to Chinese companies

Launched in 2014, Farm Fresh is The Gambia’s first online fresh food e-commerce platform. It partners with farmers across the country to help them find a market for their produce. Users are able to purchase food on the site and have it delivered to their homes 

You can create your own start up inside SYlodium’s system.

Our logical business system, allows you to segment your target markets to be seen, and dominate the bilateral trade niches you choose from China or USA or EU towards Africa.

" Your import-export business in Internet's guts"


Wonder women grow vegetables and each other

New from HighwayMail

A gardening project has grown into a sustainable food source for families in the Valley of 1 000 Hills.

ONE woman’s dream of helping to empower others has grown and flourished in 10 years and now ensures that more than 250 people have food in their bellies before they go to bed at night.

Ten years ago, Lydia Hlope started feeding more than 150 adults and children in the KwaNyuswa area with vegetables from a community garden they named Yenzanathi Community Upliftment Project in the Valley of 1 000 Hills.

Those who work in the garden receive vegetables to take home to their dependants.

Watering the seedlings was a big problem for the elderly gardeners as the only source of water was a spring and a small stream, forcing the gogos to carry watering cans for a considerable distance to and from the stream.

Since the installation of the two big JoJo tanks, the water is now fed to several watering points in the garden where the watering cans are easily filled.

Bernardine Hay, a member of the Federation of Women’s Institutes, heard about the garden project and approached the Associated Country Women of the World (ACWW) in London for financial assistance to buy water tanks and irrigation piping.

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